Mirror Before Moving Forward (2025)

This is an English version of: “Refleksi Akhir Tahun (2024)” with some of modification from the Indonesian version.

Today, January 3rd 2025 is the first Friday in 2025. Before we heading to Monday, January 6th as I can consider as a first week of 2025, lets we take a look our mirror about our 2024.

Are we ever did mistakes in 2024? Indeed, as a human, we still far from a perfection. We always did mistakes. But are we learn from it? or we still doing same mistakes over and over again? If we can learn from it and committed to not doing the same mistakes again, keep it, bring that to 2025. But if we still can’t learn from it, I think, as long as we still breath, there are no word of ‘late’ to take a learn from our past mistakes.

Are in previous year we still have something that is still not optimal? Like we still didn’t optimize our time to learn, to worship, or anything positive activities? And then, in 2025, we should try ourselves to make that things is more optimal. Like we take more time to learn or reading something good than scrolling social media, diligent to worship, more doing good deeds to others, etc.

Are we still have some of ugliness in our personality? And then, in 2025, we need to abandon that and lets try our best to improve and fix that! Do some evaluation, take more consideration & careful before taking an action.

Are we already write resolution list for 2025? If you still haven’t, lets we take a look of our 2024 resolution: are we already fulfilled 2024 resolution? or there are something we still can’t make it in 2024? And then, we should bring that unfilled 2024 resolution into 2025 resolution, so we can try our best to fulfill that resolution in this year.

Are we have some of pessimistic about 2025? Yep, thats a natural process about dynamic human life. But, convince ourselves and try to be optimistic, if 2025 will bring more good things and also more happiness than last year. We never know, maybe in this year we face with something that we never expect before, and that thing will bring us a give us to a gate to our good deeds and happiness. I wish this can be happens with both of us.

At the end, lets we move forward to 2025 with smile and happiness. Yes, we understand if some of us may face the first day of 2025 with receiving some of bad news. But, let’s take a heal from it and, we still at the last week of 2024. Next Monday is the first week of 2025. Let’s try to be more optimistic about 2025 because, let’s believe if there are more happiness will come to us afterwards.

If you notice some of bad grammar in my post, Im sorry. Im trying my best. But, at least Im using my broken English than using AI-generated things to fix the broken grammar and make this post look like its was written by heartless robotic.

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